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What is battery loss?
9 2024-09-19
Battery loss refers to the phenomenon that the actual capacity of the battery is reduced compared to the nominal capacity after a period of use.
Specific performance:
01. Capacity attenuation and shortened use time
The most intuitive manifestation is the decline in battery life. For example, a new phone may last all day on a full charge, but as the battery wears down, it may need to be recharged in the afternoon; Similarly, a laptop can work for hours without being plugged in, and the use time after wear and tear is greatly reduced.
02. Other problems that may arise
Performance impact: Battery loss may limit the performance of the device. For example, some phones automatically slow down the processor when the battery is depleted to save power, making the phone run slower.
Battery health problems: Serious battery loss may cause safety problems such as battery bulge and leakage, which not only affects the normal use of the device, but also brings potential security risks.
The main reasons for battery loss are as follows:
1. Personal factors
Battery quality: The quality of the battery itself has a great impact on the degree of loss. If there are defects in the production process of the battery or the quality of the material selected is not good, then it is more prone to loss during use.
Battery type characteristics: Different types of batteries have different loss characteristics. Taking a common lithium-ion battery as an example, the chemical substances inside it will gradually change during use, resulting in capacity attenuation and increased internal resistance.
2. External factors
Charger problem: The use of inferior chargers or mismatched chargers may cause damage to the battery. For example, the voltage or current output of the charger is unstable, which will affect the charging effect of the battery and accelerate the battery loss.
3. Environmental factors:
Temperature: High or low temperature environment has a greater impact on the battery. High temperature will accelerate the chemical reaction inside the battery, so that the battery aging speed; Low temperature will reduce the activity of the battery, affecting the capacity and performance of the battery.
Humidity and electromagnetic radiation: long-term use of the battery in a humid environment may cause internal short circuit of the battery; In the strong electromagnetic radiation environment, it may also interfere with the normal operation of the battery, thereby increasing the battery loss.
4. Usage habits:
Overcharge and discharge: Frequently overcharge the battery (for example, charge the battery for a long time, so that the battery charge exceeds 100%) or over-discharge (so that the battery is completely exhausted), will have a serious impact on the life of the battery.
High-load use and non-standard plug and unplug: When the device is connected to high-load peripherals (such as game controllers, high-power audio, etc.), the output power of the battery increases, which will accelerate the battery loss. In addition, during the charging or use of the device, irregular plugging and unplugging of the power supply or peripherals may produce a momentary current shock, causing damage to the battery.
Calculation and normal range of battery loss:
Calculation method: You can check the battery depletion rate through the battery management software or third-party detection tools provided with some devices. For example, a laptop may provide a battery health report in the system that shows how depleted the current battery is; There are also some dedicated battery detection apps for mobile phones.
Normal range: Generally speaking, after one year of use of mobile phone batteries, the loss rate is within 20% of the normal range; Laptop batteries after hundreds of charge and discharge cycles, the loss rate of about 30% is also more common. Of course, the specific normal range will vary depending on factors such as battery type, device use environment and frequency of use.
In the face of battery loss, the following measures can be taken to minimize the loss or mitigate the impact of the loss:
Fair Use Policy:
01. Power control: try to keep the battery power between 20% and 80% to avoid overcharging and over-discharge.
02. Charger selection: Use the original charger or a charger with reliable quality and matching with the device to ensure a stable and safe charging process.
03. Environmental attention: Avoid using equipment in high temperature, low temperature, humidity or strong electromagnetic radiation environment for a long time.
Capacity recovery method
Deep discharge: For some batteries with less serious loss, you can try to perform deep discharge operation. The specific method is to completely exhaust the power of the device, and then carry out the complete charging process. However, this method is not effective for all types of batteries, and overuse may cause damage to the battery, requiring caution.